
Archive for the ‘Lists’ Category

You know you’re a student when…

September 13th, 2010 11 comments

Facebook Fan Page: You know you’re a student when…

# 1. You avoid coursework by joining random Facebook pages.
# 2. You have a negative bank balance.
# 3. You only go out on days that end in ‘y’.
# 4. Own brand supermarket products are the rule, not the exception.
# 5. Afternoon naps are essential.
# 6. Alcohol is an acceptable breakfast.
# 7. You collect plastic carrier bags, but not on purpose.
# 8. Facebook is your number tool for procrastination.
# 9. You’re up to date with ALL day time TV shows.
# 10. You look forward to Jeremy Kyle coming on.
# 12. You find any excuse to go out in fancy dress.

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Categories: Lists

Top FB Apps that don’t SUCK

September 7th, 2010 17 comments

Facebook Fan Page: Top FB Apps that don’t SUCK

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Categories: Lists


September 1st, 2010 24 comments


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Categories: Lists

(warning) Do not try these things in the same class

September 1st, 2010 18 comments

Facebook Fan Page: (warning) Do not try these things in the same class

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Categories: Lists


August 27th, 2010 196 comments


1. When the cab gets hit the first time the front grille with the Hyundai logo gets smashed in and disappears. In the second scene the grille reappears and the car has less damage than the scene before. And in the warehouse scene the grille disappears one final time.

2. In the scene with the falling van you see Arthur asleep without the headphones originally placed on his head. Before the van falls in the water they show Arthur again wearing the headphones.

3. In the scene where Yusuf is introduced, a gray cat is seen investigating a large jar behind him. In subsequent shots the cat both disappears and reappears.

4. One car explosion shown twice. First is the shot of the car exploding in a fireball, filling the frame. Minutes later the same car is shown exploding in the same fireball, but as part of a bigger shot from further away, in the bottom half of the frame.

5. Once Saito has been shot during the first level of Robert Fischer JR’s dream, he is placed on a surface whilst Cobb talks to him, Saito has a gape in his shirt which reveals the sticky tape and part of his blood pack on his chest, for his bullet wound.

6. When the white van leaves the warehouse, the door is so narrow that the right mirror on the passenger side of the van hits the door and is pushed back. In the next scene, it is out again.

7. When the helicopter lands after picking up Cobb and Arthur, it is still in Japan. The backdrop where Saito tempts Cobb though, is the Terminal Building at Farnborough Airfield, England, UK.

8. The immigration form Cobb is given in the plane towards the end of the movie is the white I-94 form given to those coming to the US on a visa. US citizens need only fill out a smaller blue customs declaration form.

9. When Cobb and Robert are in the hotel bathroom (2nd level) Cobb kills two men. The very next scene that shows Cobb and Robert in the bathroom the dead men’s bodies have disappeared.

10. When Fischer’s cab is being hijacked, numerous production markings are visible on the street.

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Categories: Lists

Top Ten Reasons to Get Drunk

July 15th, 2010 30 comments

Facebook Fan Page: Top Ten Reasons to Get Drunk

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Categories: Lists

Top 10 ways to know if you have PMS

July 13th, 2010 41 comments

Facebook Fan Page: Top 10 ways to know if you have PMS

10. Everyone around you has an attitude problem.
9. You’re adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet.
8. The dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans.
7. Your boyfriend is suddenly agreeing to everything you say.
6. You’re using your cell phone to dial up bumper stickers that says, “How’s my driving? Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX.”
5. Everyone’s head looks like an invitation to batting practice.
4. You’re convinced there’s a God and he’s male.
3. You’re counting down the days until menopause.
2. You’re sure that everyone is scheming to drive you crazy.
1. The ibuprofen bottle is empty and you just bought it yesterday.

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Categories: Lists

The 5 Craziest and Most Insanely Expensive Gadgets Ever Sold (Ranking)!

July 5th, 2010 15 comments

Facebook Fan Page: The 5 Craziest and Most Insanely Expensive Gadgets Ever Sold (Ranking)!

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Categories: Lists

Find Out 10 Shocking Reasons 97% of Women Cheat!

July 4th, 2010 32 comments

Facebook Fan Page: Find Out 10 Shocking Reasons 97% of Women Cheat!

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Categories: Lists

< ''o___o''>The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)

July 1st, 2010 41 comments

Facebook Fan Page: < ”o___o”>The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)

1. If you tell the truth you won’t get in trouble.

2. You are the prettiest girl/most handsome boy in the world

3. The existence of Santa, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy

4. Do this or you’re not going to get “your birthday/Christmas/family vacation

5. Mommy and daddy are taking a “nap”

6. Eating your vegetables will make you grow up big and strong

7. If you play with your privates too much, they’ll drop off

8. If you keep making that face, your face will stay that way

9. The police arrest children who swear

10. The ice cream van only play music to let children know it has run out of ice cream

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The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)' st_url='' displayText='share'>The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)' st_url='' displayText='share'>The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)' st_url='' displayText='share'>The 10 MOST Common LIES Parents ALWAYS Tell KIDS!(< {}__{}>)' st_url='' displayText='share'>

Categories: Lists