psychic reading

Funniest Face book Private Message Leaked!!

Facebook Fan Page: Funniest Face book Private Message Leaked!!

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Categories: Hidden Images
  1. Jawwn
    May 3rd, 2010 at 06:37 | #1


  2. BlueJay
    May 3rd, 2010 at 06:43 | #2

    hahahahaha XD

  3. Zaina
    May 5th, 2010 at 14:27 | #3

    I believe him lol. But after he said “i dont think youre hot” I think he insulted her anyway =S

  4. This Is A Name
    July 18th, 2011 at 04:20 | #4

    Did anyone else notice that at the top, it said “Between Jessica ______ and You”? Does this mean he submitted it himself..?